During a recent training event a student asked how he was expected to remember his point of aim at varied distances. For example, I zero my AR-s at 100 meters, however a lot of shots occur at distances under 20...meaning the point of aim needs to change to accurately hit the target at center mass. A long time ago when I was assigned to the 7th Special Forces CIF in Panama, we used a simple drawing of a silhouette and then recorded our data as we shot. The Defiance Tactical Shooting POA/POI reference cards help students record their data, and are small enough to be placed into the hollow space of the pistol grip. A quick look at them before shooting drills begin should serve as a reminder of your POA/POI data.
The data is important because its not enough to simply group on the target. A good group that is outside the center of the target is still a miss. Understanding how POA/POI functions is critical to quick accurate shots that hit the intended target at the intended place. It takes skill, practice and data.